Friday, December 9, 2011

assingment #13-individual script

Wouldn't you like to know what really goes on inside the living conditions occupy movement. im going to explain the condition that the protesters faced during the movement. we talked with many people about living issues they had and what they had to do to their lives keep as students and as citizens. some of the people had aprochable areas and they huddled there tent together and did the protesting outside there area to help block main roads and important buildings. also i talked with an occupy oakland member and he was telling me that there living conditions were also very acceptible.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

assignment #10

1.the purpose is to think about your education, to me it makes me think of the different path i want to follow in school. get peopl to relize even though you want a career you like to do it might not benifit you in the end.
3.the snake trying to keep everyonr together
4.collage and uneducated people rethink their plans
6.there somewhat correct
7.The Rossman Family get his viewers to really plan for there future and hime to.
10.confiction; they would be confused
11.that education is not important
12.i think that people wouldnt accept the message because education is worth it ex. the occupy movement
13.stupidity would take over
14.its a conflicting message becuase eduation is going to expand a message.
15.argument explain a stong and serious school
2.because people fool around alot in collage and use that as an excuse.
3. with the symbol of a strong arm showing disapline
4.collage people
5.that when i go to this school i can expect a quality education and i better be ready
6.very accurate because people are always expecting the best out of there school
7.authors name not there encourage collage students to take there education seriously
9. you get a strong education at arm and hammer
10.very strong and serious
11.they have high standars and expectations for students
12.they will try to go to arm and hammer or get a good education
13.we would have much more succses in the classroom in collage and less people patying. come get a quality strong education at arm and hammer

Friday, December 2, 2011

assignment #11

I . History of Documentary Film

A. Pre-1900-Between July 1898 and 1901 the Romanian professor Gheorghe Marinescu made several science films in his neurology clinic in Bucharest. Early film was dominated by the novelty of showing an event. They were single shot moments captured on film: a train entering a station, a boat docking, or factory workers leaving work.

B. 1900–1920-Travelogue films They were often referred to by distributors as "scenics." Scenics were among the most popular sort of films at the time. Early color motion picture processes such as Kinemacolor and Prizmacolor used travelogues to promote the new color process.

C. 1920s

1) Romanticism-With Robert J. Flaherty's Nanook of the North in 1922, documentary film embraced romanticism; Flaherty filmed a number of heavily staged romantic films during this time period.

2)The city symphony-These films tend to feature people as products of their environment, and lean towards the avant-garde.

3) Kino-Pravda-Vertov believed the camera — with its varied lenses, shot-counter shot editing, time-lapse, ability to slow motion, stop motion and fast-motion

4) Newsreel tradition-newsreels were also sometimes staged but were usually re-enactments of events that had already happened.
D. 1920s–1940s-  The propagandist tradition consists of films made with the explicit purpose of persuading an audience of a point. One of the most notorious propaganda films is Leni Riefenstahl's film Triumph of the Will (1935), which chronicled the 1934 Nazi Party Congress and was commissioned by Adolf Hitler

E. 1950s–1970s-

1) Cinéma-vérité-
Cinéma vérité and similar documentary traditions can thus be seen, in a broader perspective, as a reaction against studio-based film production constraints. Shooting on location, with smaller crews, would also happen in the french new wave, the filmmakers taking advantage of advances in technology allowing smaller, handheld cameras and synchronized sound to film events on location as they unfolded.

2) Political weapons-In the 1960s and 1970s, documentary film was often conceived as a political weapon against neocolonialism and capitalism in general, especially in Latin America, but also in a changing Quebec society. La Hora de los hornos (The Hour of the Furnaces, from 1968), directed by Octavio Getino and Fernando E. Solanas, influenced a whole generation of filmmakers.

3) Modern documentaries-The nature of documentary films has expanded in the past 20 years from the cinema verité style introduced in the 1960s in which the use of portable camera and sound equipment allowed an intimate relationship between filmmaker and subject.

4) Documentaries without words- Films in the documentary form without words have been made. From 1982, the Qatsi trilogy and the similar Baraka could be described as visual tone poems, with music related to the images, but no spoken content.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

assignment #12

              Wouldnt you like to know what really goes on inside the occupy movment? we as a population of people start to speak out on the issues that really have gotten out of control. Im here to talk about the living conditions that the movement faced during some of the protests. i will touch on some of the articles and some of the interviews that we did and interviews from different movement locations.

               The first article I found was on the occupy oakland. A member of the movement was badly injured on the protest and it made him inable to live outside with the other members. The "renegade" protesters are also a huge inruption thats steers people in thinking the wrong way about the purpose of the movement. One protester that protisipated in the oakland march witnessed the shotting of and the final moments of a person life that just wanted justice. the renegade made the movment difficult with the fighting of police, destroying public property, and also lighting fire bombs.

               In another sourse of information that i resurched was the different camps in the locations of the movments. the movement soon grow after the word got spread. with the oakland movement they made city out of there tents. That made it impossible for anyone to get through, but also impossible for the police to get through, which made it the best place for criminals to hide and get away with crimes by involving themself with the movement. That make the living conditions for the actual protester very dangerous.

             these are only some of the main points that the protester and the interviewers have to share please check for more information. living conditions and difficult with the different locations where you are, if you are injured and need medical attention, and if you have criminals living among you doing crimes and other uncontrolible things. thank you for understanding the meaning of the movment and reading this.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

assignment #1

1. there painting that are painted on the cave or rock walls that date back to the prhistoric times.
2. 32,000 years old found in the Cueva de lsa Monedas.
3. they belived that Darwinian thinking that human evolution means they couldn't have created art.
4.the age of the painting are still an issue
5. the large animal paintings, and drawings of the hands with patterns
6. the shaman would go into a trnace state of mind and trace what evevr they saw in the trance.
7.we cant determine what they were thinking in the prehistoric times with a modern mindstate.
The Wounded Bison of Lascaux Cave
this painting represents an animal maybe after a battle or being attacked

Lascaux cave art
Lascaux cave painting. These paintings are estimated to be 16,000 years old. Photo: Jack Versloot
this shows a herd of horses running tthrough a field

Friday, November 4, 2011

assignment #2

      I did iswatt picture because, it sort of described me in a way. I'm tall athletic and a good defensive basketball player. swatt is a word that i use when i block/pack somebody very hard. its very complicated but i enjoyed making this piece for the pictures having and learning new thing with peers.
      i did many things to this picture. first i picked the color blue for my favorite color. next i took the picture and i had to crop a lot of items out. then i had to make sure everything is out of the background. after all that i had to make sure i painted myself black.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

assignment #7

  • Balance     

  • Movement  

  • Repetition and rhythm    

  • Emphasis     

  • Simplicity (a.k.a. visual economy)   

  • Contrast  

  • Proportion    

  •  Space     

  • Unity   

Thursday, October 20, 2011

assignments #6

Jerrod Bolden
6. period
Journey To New Beginnings
    The title to my piece is “Journey To New Beginnings”. I picked the title because it means a lot in my life. Moving from your home is a big change taking your old life and throwing it basically in the trash, or forgetting about things that you use to worry about. As i began my ideas for this piece i focused mainly on the other things around me instead of telling a story in myself. so I started over and really got into the idea of moving myself and showing feeling into the picture.
    The elements I used in my piece are line color, shape, value, and texture. the lines show the feeling of the face, and the detail. Color showed the feeling of the whole piece, the mood and the dept of it as well. The shade of light blue that runs down my arm represents the sadness and grief that i had leaving all my friends and my family. the red that's located on my hair and the bottom portion of my arm represents frustration, anger, and aggravation from the people in my life that cause me those feelings that push me so far. the light green on my shoulder represents amazement, excitement, satisfactory, and happiness that my moving from place to place constantly having to start over. Orange that is located on my neck represents nervousness, confusion, consideration, and anxiousness. the shape was a personal one i put in that went along with the lines, with the eyes, ear, nose, and mouth. the triangle nose stood out with the detail with the nose and the contrast of the chin and the eyes. value and texture was used together, withe the areas that didn't have any color, to the parts that reached out and grabbed you with the textures.
    The idea of walking into a new environment, a new school, and a new life takes allot of battles and allot of changing. there is many moods like, happy, relieved, mad, angry, confused, and many other moods and feelings.
    This piece really doesn't generate a question, makes a statement “After its all said and done I'm still here and I'm still holding my head up strong”. this piece gave me an opportunity to explore different tools and ways to handle photos and use my artistic views. to explore the different way/combinations to mix my Picasso into many different ways he did.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Assignment #8- Cubism & Pablo Picasso

1.the color and the shape of the object 
2.shape, color, and contour
3.a calm warming image; blue, orange, tan, and black
4.line, color, contour
5.Contrast because, it uses different shades of each color
6. it will let me try to not use so many colors but a lot of different shades of colors

1.the structure of the painting.
2. shape, contour, and color, gray, and tan
4. contour, color, and shape
5.line, and contour are the most elements used
6. it still make me want to expand my background better

1. the picture and the color
2. color and lines
3. yellow, orange, brown,tan, and dark green; a very warm and calm feeling
4. line, and shapes
5.harmony and balance from the person to everything going on around it shows me to use feelings in color

1. the buildings and the background colors
2.a comfortable jungle scene
3. blue, orange, green, purple; a calming feel
4.line, texture, and form
5. balance and harmony
6. it shows me to use images that relate to the colors too. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Assignment #5

• Line - an actual or implied mark, path, mass, or edge, where length is dominant
• Form - the mass of the shapes
• Texture - the structure and minute molding of a surface (rough, smooth, etc.)
• Value - the degree of lightness or darkness of a given color
• Color - a pigment
• Shape - any flat area bound by line, value, or color

Monday, September 26, 2011

assignment #4

1. What is his full name?Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso found in
2.When was he born? Malaga, Spain
3. When did he die? 8 April 1973 (aged 91)
4. Find out the names of his parents,brothers or sisters. Father : Jose Ruiz Blasco   Mother : Maria Picasso Y Lopez   Sister : Dolores, or Lola and Concepcion
5. What were the names of Picasso´s wives or lovers? What were their nationalities?
Jacqueline Roque (French) Olga Khokhlova (russian)
7. What are his children and grandchildren´s names?  
8. Which topics did he paint about?
Rose Period,Blue Period,African-influenced Period,Cubism,Classicism and surrealism
9.Why did he go away from Spain? Where did he live? Europe to expand his artistry
10. In which way did he influence the concept of painting? he had a major impact on the creative different and way people look at art today without stepping one foot in the U.S.
11. Main events that influenced his life. his kids being born and the history going on during his time
Find a Cubist Painting by Picasso (not a self portrait). Upload and site this image on your blog along with the name of the painting and date it was painted.  

12. Describe some people, objects, and/or animals in his paintings(what they look like,the clothes they are wearing,their personality). it has a natural, but at the same time a unatural feel to it by using the room and the different painting and props the give it the different and somewhat wierd feel.
13. Is there anything special about the people´s faces or bodies? the painting on the right is very mysteryious and makes me really wander what made him think about putting this in here. also the peice on the floor to the left gives it the home effect, but all and all its a very curious peice.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Assignment #3

Candy Wrappers

1. these signs are communicating there different candy
2.A- twirlers very chewy, tangy, and sweet
   B- red vines tasty, and fruity
3. i would like twizzlers because they are good with advertisement and there many different tastes

Shoe Companies

1.they are communicating different brands by creating different designs for shoes
2.A-vans multi color shoes and patterns to explore new creations
   B- melo is a basketball shoes that creates good grip and is made for the gamew
3. i would like melo cause i love the game of basketball
CD cover

1. these albums make a visual to adverities the alblum and the artist
2.A- lupe has a very colorful theme to his alblum
   B- Tyga has a mysterious fell to his album cover
3. i would pick both because they both appeal to me
Political Signs

1. these are both advertisement to persuade people to vote for obama
2.A- sign one shows a creative way to show a political sign
   B- a very colorful sign
3. i would go with the a because it is more appealing
add post 9/11


1.these are sign for remembering the attack of 9/11 and the memorial
2.A- this is a creative and colorful way to express 9/11
   B- a good plain way to explain the memorial of 9/11
3. i would choose A because its a creative way to express the the memory of 9/11