Monday, September 26, 2011

assignment #4

1. What is his full name?Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso found in
2.When was he born? Malaga, Spain
3. When did he die? 8 April 1973 (aged 91)
4. Find out the names of his parents,brothers or sisters. Father : Jose Ruiz Blasco   Mother : Maria Picasso Y Lopez   Sister : Dolores, or Lola and Concepcion
5. What were the names of Picasso´s wives or lovers? What were their nationalities?
Jacqueline Roque (French) Olga Khokhlova (russian)
7. What are his children and grandchildren´s names?  
8. Which topics did he paint about?
Rose Period,Blue Period,African-influenced Period,Cubism,Classicism and surrealism
9.Why did he go away from Spain? Where did he live? Europe to expand his artistry
10. In which way did he influence the concept of painting? he had a major impact on the creative different and way people look at art today without stepping one foot in the U.S.
11. Main events that influenced his life. his kids being born and the history going on during his time
Find a Cubist Painting by Picasso (not a self portrait). Upload and site this image on your blog along with the name of the painting and date it was painted.  

12. Describe some people, objects, and/or animals in his paintings(what they look like,the clothes they are wearing,their personality). it has a natural, but at the same time a unatural feel to it by using the room and the different painting and props the give it the different and somewhat wierd feel.
13. Is there anything special about the people´s faces or bodies? the painting on the right is very mysteryious and makes me really wander what made him think about putting this in here. also the peice on the floor to the left gives it the home effect, but all and all its a very curious peice.

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