Sunday, December 4, 2011

assignment #10

1.the purpose is to think about your education, to me it makes me think of the different path i want to follow in school. get peopl to relize even though you want a career you like to do it might not benifit you in the end.
3.the snake trying to keep everyonr together
4.collage and uneducated people rethink their plans
6.there somewhat correct
7.The Rossman Family get his viewers to really plan for there future and hime to.
10.confiction; they would be confused
11.that education is not important
12.i think that people wouldnt accept the message because education is worth it ex. the occupy movement
13.stupidity would take over
14.its a conflicting message becuase eduation is going to expand a message.
15.argument explain a stong and serious school
2.because people fool around alot in collage and use that as an excuse.
3. with the symbol of a strong arm showing disapline
4.collage people
5.that when i go to this school i can expect a quality education and i better be ready
6.very accurate because people are always expecting the best out of there school
7.authors name not there encourage collage students to take there education seriously
9. you get a strong education at arm and hammer
10.very strong and serious
11.they have high standars and expectations for students
12.they will try to go to arm and hammer or get a good education
13.we would have much more succses in the classroom in collage and less people patying. come get a quality strong education at arm and hammer

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