Monday, January 30, 2012

Semester Reflection

1. I received a B, and there are many things I'm going to do to keep this grade, but also to raise it to an A. I plan to always do my work and turn it in on time no matter what. Also i want to accept anything i get and do better. instead of finding my own solution to problems I'm going to be open to my teacher. this is my plan. favorite assignment was the i pod silhouette. it gave me a chance to explore my photoshop skills and what i learned. my least favorite wee the ones that i had to site notes for. it was stressful and very was hard to deal with this during limited time in class. with each one i wanted to slam my head into a wall.
3. my first year has been good. went through a couple of courses that have exited me, and disapoint me too. looking t graduate with a 3.5 or higher. I'm really keeping my grades up and doing my work. many assignment and different studies.
4.looking to be join to community college. also to work, and pay for things. maybe to have nicer stuff. taking care of my family. also to helping my friends with photoshop.

Friday, January 13, 2012

assignment #14

                                    "Journey To New Beginnings"
                 The title to my piece is “Journey To New Beginnings. I picked the title because it means a lot in my life. Moving from your home is a big change taking your old life and throwing it basically in the trash, or forgetting about things that you use to worry about. As i began my ideas for this piece i focused mainly on the other things around me instead of telling a story in myself. so I started over and really got into the idea of moving myself and showing feeling into the picture. I manly focused on my overall look of my peace, with the feel of the color and the lines of my piece to create a mood.